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Financials & Reporting

Ministry Highlights

As we look back on 2022, we are in awe of God’s faithfulness. He sustained this ministry in a year that was wrought with conflicts and violence, evacuations and pandemic disruptions. And He accomplished His purposes through you and MAF so that isolated people could experience the love of Christ.

And you were faithful, too. Your prayers and gifts encouraged us and bolstered our staff so they could remain in difficult places, with hearts ready to serve. Thank you! We’re so grateful for you.

Please enjoy this video, which captures the highs and lows of the year, and what you made possible through MAF. More impact stories can also be found in the 2022 Ministry Highlights Report on this same page.

Other Reports


IRS FORM 990 – 2021
IRS FORM 990 – 2020


Independent Auditors’ Report – 2022
Independent Auditors’ Report – 2021

Mission Aviation Fellowship-US is based in Nampa, Idaho, and is part of the global family of MAF organizations that includes MAF International, MAF Canada, and affiliates in Guatemala, Brazil, Suriname, Mexico, and Ecuador. Unless otherwise indicated, in this report “Mission Aviation Fellowship” or “MAF” refers to MAF-US only, as do all numbers.

for indonesia-specific YEARLY financial report,
please email us at ymafi-ministry@maf.orG

or direct message us

Penerbangan misi meliputi penerbangan pekerja misi ke pedalaman, membawa buku dan membantu supply organisasi-organisasi misi di pedalaman. 

Kebutuhan penerbangan pengembangan masyarakat 2024 (update Juli) $7,443 // sekitar 120juta.

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