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A Place of Blessing

“Good job, Mom! You didn’t cry!” my daughter Zoe congratulated me recently. We were visiting our old home of 10 years on the island of

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My cart is full and my weekly shopping is done for another week. Now it’s time to head to the check-out line. Sometimes this is

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Road Trip!

Travelling by car in the DRC can get pretty interesting.In many of the countries around the world, an MAF airplane is sometimes the only practical

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The Impact of Airplanes

Here are a few snapshots of the impact MAF airplanes have around the world, thanks to the generosity of faithful donors.   In Papua, Indonesia,

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Beauty for Ashes

Tuesday, October 27 was a tough day. It would have been our daughter Hannah’s 18th birthday. Hannah passed away when she was five years old

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Pray for Indonesia

I have a collection of magnets on my refrigerator. Each magnet serves as reminder of the places I’ve been, the things I’ve seen, the people

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Dear New Girl

I was you. It’s hard to believe it was nine years ago. I got off that plane on that small Indonesian island to the blanket

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