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Category: Indonesia

Riverside Discipleship

Story by Jeremiah Hartin, an MAF pilot in Papua, Indonesia. Normally, you’ll find Jeremiah in his element–at the controls of a KODIAK airplane. But even

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Crocodile Ambush!

Story by Brian Marx, an MAF pilot in Papua, Indonesia One hundred miles east of us is an immense jungle area known as the Mamberamo.

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Soul Care

A unique perspective on MAF Missionaries and what is often misunderstood about missionary service. “There is this assumption that missionaries are more spiritual or somehow

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His Strength

How does it feel to function in God’s strength versus your own? God brought this question to mind one day as a friend and I

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Rescued and Reunited

By Kees Janse His name is very applicable: Selamat. Which is an Indonesian word used as a greeting, but it also means “saved” or “rescued.”

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Louder than Words

“A man’s discretion makes him slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression.” —Proverbs 19:11 MAF pilot Nathan Fagerlie got the

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The Sweet Stuff

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” –Psalm 119:103 One day, while leaving the grocery store, I spied

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