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Category: Moms On A Mission

Moving – AGAIN?

I was told when we began our MAF career that MAF really stood for “Move Again, Friend”! Because we are an organization that specializes in

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I shouldn’t still be here in Indonesia. It’s been eight years on the same narrow street on the same tiny island. And I just can’t

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The Tears I’ve Cried

Recently I shed happy tears. I love happy tears, especially since I usually shed sad, hormonal, frustrated, or angry tears. We traveled from our home

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Far From Home

In January, on our two year anniversary of living and serving here, a deep homesickness hit me—HARD. This was a different kind of homesickness than

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Flip Flopped Focus

Preparing to go back to Indonesia from furlough always proves a hectic time. There are goodbyes to be said, details to be finished and last

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Dinner Time in Borneo

It’s dinner time. The setting equatorial sun—every day the same time all year long—and my three kids tell me it’s time. And if the “I’m

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