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The Plane Purpose

MAF Pilot Dave Ringenberg recently carried an unusual cargo—2,221 pounds of tile for the floor of the church in the village of Holuwan in Papua, Indonesia. The airstrip is situated about 18 minutes south of Wamena in breathtakingly rugged terrain. The Baliem river cuts through the area. On both sides stand towering mountains with their strata exposed, displaying intense upheaval at one time.

Upon Dave’s arrival, the Holuwan people rejoiced knowing that their church building project would soon be complete with the installation of the flooring tile. The way they rejoiced was fun to watch. Groups of men and women ran short distances in a straight line, stopped abruptly, and then ran back to the starting point. These sprinters, decked out in bright clothing, raced for 10 minutes or so.

“It was an honor to participate in this project and the MAF plane, once again, had its purpose!” said Dave. “Floor tile is not needed to worship the Lord in spirit and truth, and the Christians in Holuwan know this. It is, however, a nice reminder that God even cares about the details in life, like covering an interior church’s rough cement floor with smooth tile.”

In 2012, more than 9 million pounds of precious cargo—food, Bibles, medicines, building supplies, vaccinations and the like—were delivered to those in need. Click on the graphic below to watch the video and read the 2012 Impact Report.


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