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Reminders of Home

With nine moves* in a little over two years, my heart is weary from so much transition. Change has been a word that has come up often, and not the kind of change that rattles around in your pocket. It’s the bittersweet kind that comes with leaving friends and the familiar behind, mixed with the desire to be obedient. Our final move to the MAF base where we will serve came just days before Christmas.

After a crazy week of unpacking and celebrating, we found some time to go explore our new town.
We turned down a new street and there it was: order in the midst of chaos. A taste of home in a place that is nothing like home. A sight that grabbed my heart and surprised me by how it caused an actual physical pain in my heart.

It was a sign. No, not a sign from God, just a regular everyday green sign pointing travelers in the right direction.

It reminded me how much I missed home. How I longed to see my family, shop with variety, and not drive through constant potholes.

In a land where there is very little order, the paved road, the neat building, and the green sign made me think about how my heart longed for my eternal home as much as it missed my earthly home.

My home country is comfortable to me because of all the time I spent there, which teaches me that more time spent with Him will draw my heart to long for His appearing that much more.


Home … my family, where I was born, surrounded by familiar, and Jesus, my ultimate Home.

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” —Philippians 3:20


Note:  While not all of these moves were initiated by MAF, Debbie and her family relocated several times as they were preparing to serve with MAF. It’s not uncommon for missionaries to make many moves during their missionary career.



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