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My Third-Culture Kid

Our oldest son Carter is a senior, and recently we were talking through an essay he had to write for a scholarship application. I suggested

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Listen, Smile, Pray, Fly

This is a story by our MAF-UK counterparts about one of our sister programs operating in Mongolia. In this remote corner of Mongolia, specialist medical

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My Own River

I take a sip of the sweet pink juice my neighbor offers me and ask her where she’s from. She says a name of a

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Reminders of Home

With nine moves* in a little over two years, my heart is weary from so much transition. Change has been a word that has come

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Making a Difference

Last week our family went to a village interior. I walked with my friend Esther to her “palace,” a large wooden building where she watches

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Barang Sale Lesson

Recently, God taught me a lesson through my nine-year-old son. Our international school here in Papua hosts a biannual “barang” sale, which is like a

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