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Category: Indonesia


“Amy, I have a very important job for you. I need you to find me some coconut cake in Colorado Springs.” I was talking to

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My Borneo Friends

If you came to visit me, I daresay you’d be impressed with several things we get to enjoy here in Indonesia. We have coconut trees

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Feeding Pak Aki

There is something I do daily that gives me a small measure of joy. I fix a simple meal for our yard guy. It’s never

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Lovebird Blues

Our family was surprised to find lovebirds for sale at a local pet shop here in Papua. We had never had birds before, but spontaneously

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Somethin’ Special

“I mean, it’s nothin’ special. Just a little hole-in-the-wall café on the river.” I’d been out exploring my town of Palangkaraya with my parents, who’d

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Comfort Food

O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” –Psalm 34:8 In the two years

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