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Grace & Glory

When I was preparing to move to Lesotho I sat down with some women who have all served overseas as missionaries. In our time of fellowship there was one thing every one of them told me would be most important for my longevity and success…

You need to make your relationship with Jesus a priority. You need to take responsibility for your spiritual growth and not depend on the local church to help you grow in your walk.”

How true I have discovered this to be. While I love being a part of a national church, I’m still only able to understand about 25% of what is said; which is great for language acquisition but not so much for spiritual depth and growth.

032050-Lesotho-2009Q4A-NATIn my personal times of worship and study I have been meditating on God’s glory and His grace. These two seem to be recurring themes, something I believe God really wants me to contemplate and experience. I live in a nation that is desperately poor, where 33% of the population has HIV/AIDS, where witchcraft is still the preferred treatment for any ailment, where many die as a result of treatable diseases, where fear and hopelessness have bound the Basotho people… They are helpless and harassed like sheep without a shepherd. Where is the hope? Where is the peace? Where is His glory in this dark land?

I have spoken these things to you that you might have peace. In this world you will have trouble
but take heart, for I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

035891-Lesotho-2010Q4B-GGod’s grace can penetrate the poverty and break the chains that hold these beautiful people captive. Grace that is greater than all our sin is available to each and every one of us and that is the Good News. This is the message I hope to take to my Basotho friends and neighbors. Creation itself reflects the glory of its Creator and this is so clearly seen in the skies of Africa, especially at sunset. But my prayer is that God’s glory will be reflected in my life, in my words and actions. I long for them to know the God who made them in His image, and I want to witness the Basotho giving all glory to Him. I want to know Him and make Him known!


Sebuah Warisan Pelayanan

Kilas balik 50 tahun MAF di Kalimantan Utara Pada tahun 1971, pilot MAF Dave Hoisington menerbangkan delegasi konferensi gereja dari Papua, Indonesia, ke pangkalan MAF

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