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Opening doors for isolated pastors

The Church is growing in many places around the world—yet with that growth can come unexpected challenges, like how to prepare pastors who are leading these churches, for effective ministry. For many pastors, having access to biblical training and resources is next to impossible because of geographic, political, or religious barriers. Eighty-five percent of the world’s churches are led by people with no ministerial education.

MAF has opened the doors for a solution. Lumin is a new tool from MAF to help pastors and church leaders in isolated places create culturally relevant training. This software enables people to create courses, e-Books, presentations, and other content (“Paks”) so that biblical and theological training can be easily shared no matter where in the world a pastor lives.

Each Pak can be configured to meet the training needs of each pastor and church, and created in a way that is culturally relevant. Paks can be viewed and shared on most mobile devices and computers or using the Estante app.

Woman using Lumin.

“When trying to reach isolated people groups, it can be very difficult to know exactly what kind of devices they are (or will be) using. Lumin provides an easy way to create engaging content that can be shared across a wide variety of devices and operating systems, without the need for specialized software,” said Elliot Dawson, the main developer of Lumin.

“Lumin is exactly what we need,” said Harry, a worker with a partner organization of MAF that works to train local leaders in South Asia.

MAF works to overcome barriers to the Gospel to reach isolated people with Christ’s love, whether through aviation or technology solutions like Lumin.

“I have successfully prepared a course in Lumin and uploaded it to Estante. It is all working very well,” said Amir, a worker with a school in India. “I want to say, ‘thank you so much for your help and I thank God [for Lumin].’”



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