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Simply Irresistible

The year began with my Christian friend asking me how I was planning to be a “better believer” in 2013. “Are you going to read your Bible more consistently? Are you going to be a better spouse? A better parent…perhaps?”

Much to his dismay, I replied, “Neither…I don’t have any plans.”

After a brief moment of silence, he asked me why I had given such a blunt answer. My response was not intended to cause anguish or disappointment. Instead, my retort was given because of my realization that I simply cannot be better.

A “better believer” is synonymous to being more religious; a scale where the good is offset by the bad. As for me, my scale is corrupted. Whenever I have tried to be more patient, more caring, or even more studious in my Bible reading, I have failed miserably. Many times during the course of my Christian life, I have tried to read self-improvement books or disciplined myself to strive to be a better me. All of my attempts were unsuccessful until I began to understand that I was not to be the focus.

love-godMy botched efforts as an adult led me to the cross of Jesus Christ where He then became my focus. As I continuously confessed my sins and shortcomings to the Lord, I began to grow in awe and wonder of my Savior’s love for me. Consequently, an irresistible Savior who I longed to please and obey replaced my lenses of shame and embarrassment for not measuring up to my own set of standards.

As a result, I began reading my Bible regularly because I wanted to spend more time with God and not because I felt it was the “right” thing to do. And even becoming a better wife grew out of my desire to please my Heavenly Father and not out of a sense of duty or obligation.

The words of the Apostle Paul remind us of the transformational work that began at the cross,

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20

May the love of our irresistible God dwell in our hearts in 2013.


Sebuah Warisan Pelayanan

Kilas balik 50 tahun MAF di Kalimantan Utara Pada tahun 1971, pilot MAF Dave Hoisington menerbangkan delegasi konferensi gereja dari Papua, Indonesia, ke pangkalan MAF

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