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What It Means to Give

Support MAF on Giving TuesdayWhenever we hear the word “give,” we almost immediately default to hearing “give money.” But on #GivingTuesday, let’s think about the broader picture of what it means to give.

So often, we are presented with opportunities to make financial donations. We assume that we have something to give and “those poor people” don’t.

The truth is, we all have something to give. God has created each of us with unique talents that we can share with everyone else. And He expects us to give:

Freely you have received; freely give.” — Matthew 10:8, NIV

There are simple things we can give one another: a smile, an encouraging word, a helping hand. We live in a broken world and there are so many desperate people waiting for someone to just reach out to them in some tangible way. You can give by making a conscious effort to be more gracious and kind. It’s as easy as that.

From MAF’s perspective, that’s what our ministry is about: giving of ourselves to reach those less fortunate people living in isolated places.

While Mission Aviation Fellowship focuses on those in remote areas, you don’t have to travel around the world to find someone in need. We are all called to step outside our comfort zones and give someone a hand. It might the neighbors whose home is in disrepair or the man on the corner holding the sign that says “Homeless.” It might be someone who doesn’t look like us, talk like us, or even share our culture. But we must be intentional about reaching out.

That’s what it means to give. Let us mark this day by being true givers.


Sebuah Warisan Pelayanan

Kilas balik 50 tahun MAF di Kalimantan Utara Pada tahun 1971, pilot MAF Dave Hoisington menerbangkan delegasi konferensi gereja dari Papua, Indonesia, ke pangkalan MAF

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